Canada and Human Rights for Sexual and Gender Minorities: An Inter-Sectoral Discussion on Canada’s Role in the World Supporting the Advancement of LGBTI+ Issues and Human Rights

Room 106 C

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In recent years, Canada has increasingly been seen as a global leader in advancing the human rights and inclusion of sexual and gender minorities, or LGBTI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex people).  What does this actually mean? What are the ways that the Canadian government has moved to integrate LGBTI+ issues into its work? How are Canadian civil society and the private sector involved with partnering with the Canadian government on these issues? This session will explore the inclusion of LGBTI+ issues in foreign affairs, development aid, refugee support and international trade – and the role that Canada and Canadians are increasingly playing in these areas globally. 

Learning objectives

  • Participants will learn what are the current initiatives and projects being developed by civil society to Canada’s role in the world on LGBTI issues.
  • Participants will learn how the Canadian government has been integrating LGBTI issues into policy and what are the challenges and opportunities ahead.
  • Participants will learn who else in Canada is engaging with and interested in these issues.

Organizational objectives

  • Panelist organizations are all increasing their work in this field in the coming years. It is part of our goal to engage with other participants at the summit around these topics and find out how CCIC members and other partners wish to engage on LGBTI+ human rights and inclusion.